Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination


The Rules :


Thank you very much

Thank the Blogger who Nominated you in the post and link their blog
Answer the 11 Questions asked of you

What type of Pet suits you and why ?  A pet rock because it does not need much care.
Your favorite Book and why ? Where the Red Fern Grows is such a classic. I wish we still had those values.
Your favorite go to movie of all time to break a boring night ? Lately, it’s been Total Recall. (the latest version)
Your dream location to live in ? On the beach
Your favorite dish to eat and why ? I love to eat so this is a tough question! Chicken and avocado tacos, but sometimes burgers! A couple of years ago,  I was obsessed  with nachos.
If, you could go back a few decades. What would be the most incredible concert is the one you would see ? I missed the Madonna concert in the 80’s because I had a job so I gave my ticket to my brother’s girlfriend. (Huge Regret!)
Best part of your week and why ? Sunday Mass because spending time with God and family feels cool!
Say you won a trip to any where in the world. Where would you go ?  I’ve always wanted to tour the Smithsonian so D.C.
What is your most interesting thing to do each day? I‘m learning to knit which frustrates me, but the challenge is great.
What drives you to be part of such an incredible writing society as blogging ? There are wonderful blogs to read. I’m learning, laughing, crying and sharing!
What does ” The Sunshine Award” mean to you ? I’m so humbled to receive it! My blog runs on the dark side so I  find  it Ironic!
List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo in your post
Write a new list of 11 Questions for your Nominees
Nominate 11 Bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award


  1. What is one dish you like to cook?
  2.  How would you describe your favorite pair of shoes?
  3. What is the best thing that you did last week?
  4. If you could have lunch with one author (living or dead) who would it be and why?
  5.  What kind of snack do your like to add to your ice cream?
  6.  If you could return to any decade, and visit a movie set, which would you like to see and why?
  7. What is a song that makes you smile?
  8. What advice would you give to your younger self?
  9. What is one food you just can’t eat?
  10. If you can earn a gold medal in any sport, what would it be and why?
  11. What is something you wish you could add to your blog and why?




3.      Cherlyn    :

to be continued







10.       After the Party

11.     Go Ashley!




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